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IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference)


When web applications badly implement access objects directly (files, database objetcs) with user-supplied inputs, they can be vulnerable to Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) allowing attackers to access unauthorized resources.


Testers need to identify input vectors (parts of the app that accept content from the users) that could be used for direct object reference like:

In order to test IDOR vulnerabilities, testers can follow two methodologies that depend on the context:

  • Testers can have accounts on the web app:
    • access different objects from two accounts
    • then save the values
    • then try to access an user's object from another user
  • They can't have accounts on the web app: try to access other user's objects by
    • randomly changing the parameters
    • identifyinf integer values that increment/decrement depending on the referenced object
    • identifying string values that are encoded (hex, base64) depending on the referenced object

IDOR to self-XSS

While self-XSS are usually out-of-scope in bug bounty programs, and considered impactless in pentest engagements, combining an IDOR to a self-XSS can be impactful when triggering a self-XSS on another user. That is possible when there is an IDOR vulnerability when editing user's non-public info that can trigger an XSS.
